How To Lead Your Loved Ones Through Your Transition

Many people think that because a gender transition is such a private and personal experience, it only involves the individual going through it. However, nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, your transition includes everyone in your life. Your parents, friends, and partner – they all transition with you. And as the leader of this experience, you have the power to influence how it unfolds. Here’s how to guide your loved ones through your transition, so they know how to offer the support you need:

1. Decide how you want to lead your transition. This is your show, so decide how you want to run it. Do you want a lot of support and interaction throughout this process, or do you need some space as you move through your transition? Figure out your ideal situation, and communicate your preferences to your loved ones.

2. Establish and respect your boundaries. While you’re going to want to discuss some aspects of your transition with your inner circle – other aspects are really personal. Always remember that you are not required to share or elaborate on anything if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.

3. Be open to those who are genuinely curious. Certain people in your life will be genuinely curious about your experience – but they may hold back from talking to you about it because they’re afraid they’ll do or say something wrong. Be open to having a dialogue with these individuals, as it will prevent you from feeling isolated. Let your loved ones know that it’s okay to discuss this experience with you, and that you’d be happy to let them into your world.