How To Thrive Through Your Transition….And In Life

In an ideal world, we would respond consciously to changes that affect our lives, relationships, and sense of self. However, because change involves a certain level of uncertainty, it instead tends to lead to knee-jerk reactions, rather than thoughtful responses.

If you want to thrive throughout your transition and in life, you need to stop reacting out of fear and avoidance – and start responding in ways that are in alignment with the goals you have for yourself. Here’s how:

1. Make self-care a priority. Self-care is critical because it ensures that you are resilient – a very important characteristic when facing major changes. Optimal self-care looks like exercising regularly, consistently getting seven to nine hours of quality sleep, and eating healthy and nutritious foods 85% of the time.

2. Prioritize self-reflection. Responding thoughtfully to change requires self-reflection, so make sure you create time for this important practice. Regularly schedule time to meditate, relax in nature, and explore activities that nurture your spirit and sense of self.

3. Love yourself. Always act in ways that demonstrate the love that you have for yourself. In addition to taking care of your mind, body, and spirit, make choices that are in alignment with your values. For example, if you value relationships, create time to nurture your friendships and intimate connections. When things go wrong, forgive yourself quickly. Always celebrate your wins – no matter how small – and treat yourself with kindness every single day.

At the end of the day, thriving through your transition and in life requires being deeply connected to self, and honoring and respecting who you are at the core. Live in this space as consistently as possible, and thriving won’t be something you strive to do – it will become your natural way of being.