What is Coaching? Coaching is a professional relationship that has the ability to produce exceptional personal results for the client. Throughout the process, your coach will inspire, encourage, and guide you to make changes, set specific goals, and take actionable steps towards your dreams – so you can create the thriving life you’re meant to lead.

Coaching Services

LGBTQ+ Entrepreneurs Coaching. I'm a barrier buster for LGBTQ+ business owners. We will work together to help you put the joy and fun back into having your own business, eliminate the hard and add back free-time while growing your business!

No more:

  • Being exhausted or miserable

  • Struggling with overwhelm

  • Feeling discouraged

Tons more:

  • Financial freedom

  • Physical wellbeing

  • Emotional resilience

Private Transition Coaching. You cannot easily move through a gender transition without support. After denying your inner essence for years, discovering, embracing, and revealing the real you requires gentle guidance and compassionate encouragement from someone who has been there – someone who knows all about the pain, fear, guilt, shame, confusion, and isolation you’re experiencing, because they’ve faced it too. I’m here to be that person for you.

  • How would it feel to have the courage to accept who you really are?

  • How would it feel to live openly and unapologetically as your self?

  • What would it mean to you to thrive – rather than simply survive – even in adversity?

Gender transition is an immensely personal experience, so all of our coaching sessions are 100% private and confidential. Your unique program will be completely tailored to fit your transition needs, fears, and desires, with the final goal being to create the confidence, peace, and unconditional self-love you’ll need as you embrace and reveal the real you to the world. Together we will explore what it means for you to love yourself unconditionally in a world that is constantly challenging your very existence. We will examine and evaluate the skills and confidence you need to flourish through all of life’s changes allowing you to bring your unique and beautiful self to everything you do. In short, we’ll uncover, discover, and discard the things that have been holding you back and work together to turn your transition into your greatest gift.

How ready are you to be the real you?  When do you want to begin thriving? 

Reach out today, and let’s get you on the path to the unconditional, unapologetic self-love and self-acceptance you deserve.

Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment and Debrief Session. This eye-opening, one-of-a-kind tool helps kick-start your journey toward your true self. The ELI assessment is right for you if you’re looking to identify your own thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes that comprise your current level of energy (consciousness). I recommend it because it’s an invaluable baseline for our coaching sessions. After taking the ELI assessment, we’ll have a one-on-one debrief session that includes a breakdown of your results and coaching on how to develop and direct your level of energy to make the most of every moment.